24.10.2023,Английский язык, 8 «А»,»Б»,»В»,»Е», «A report of event «Пишем отчет о событии»(учительVinogradova T.M.)


In this lesson I’m going to teach you how to write a report about an event helps you to write this text style with the appropriate content and language to gain a high mark in this part of the task.(See your writing dossier in your textbook p.28)

This video shows you how to write an article for Exercise 1.p.28.


Learning English requires not just a good vocabulary, but a strong foundation of all skills to communicate well. Here I  provide activities for the  for all the skills required to be successful in this examination.


Home work:

Examples of Report Writing on an Event & Describing an Event:


Make your events unforgettable for your participants with this sample report. It will give you an additional asset for your communication.