25.11.2020, Английский язык, 8”Д”,Citizenship. Речевые умения. Чтение.(для группы Татьяны Михайловны)

Hello, my dear students!

Read the text «How to be a responsible shopper»ex .2h p. 39 (Student’s book) ,translate it and learn by heart new  key words.

A responsible shopper knows where and how the products they buy are made. They buy fair trade products. They buy products that use fewer natural resources and that don’t have unnecessary packaging. They buy second-hand goods and they recycle. Responsible shoppers don’t buy anything that is unnecessary and they don’t pay too much.

Home task: 1)Learn by heart key words and useful expressions. ( See vocabulary if necessary.)!Выучить!

2) Ex 2,3 p. 39 Read the incomplete sentences 1-6 and then give them time to read the text again and complete them.(устно)
3. Write a few sentences . How much this help you become a responsible shopper? (написать и прислать мне на почту)

Deadline(срок): до 26.11.2020 включительно.