08.04.2020, Английский язык, 7 "А", "В", "Г", "Е",(для групп Нюржан Аликовны), "Работа с текстом"
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Здравствуйте, ребята. Сегодня мы потренируемся работать с текстом. Можете выполнять тест несколько раз. Задания тренировочные. Оценки не идут в журнал.
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Спасибо за выполнение теста! Не плохо! Я уверена в следующий раз у тебя получится еще лучше.
Спасибо за выполнение теста! Хорошая работа! Молодец!
Спасибо за выполнение теста! Отличная работа! Молодец!
Спасибо за выполнение теста! Не расстраивайся, уверена в следующий раз тебе повезет.
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Задание 1 из 10
Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They didn’t know Spanish, however, and the waiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.
At first they pronounced the word “milk” many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter still could not understand.
At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.
“You see”, said the traveler who had drawn the cow, “what pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country”.
After some time the waiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bullfight.
Two travelers were in …. .Правильно
Задание 2 из 10
ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ ТЕКСТ. Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They didn’t know Spanish, however, and the waiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.
At first they pronounced the word “milk” many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter still could not understand.
At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.
“You see”, said the traveler who had drawn the cow, “what pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country”.
After some time the waiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bullfight.
ПРАВИЛЬНЫМ ВАРИАНТОМ ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ Two Americans didn’t know the ….. language.Правильно
Задание 3 из 10
ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ ТЕКСТ. Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They didn’t know Spanish, however, and the waiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.
At first they pronounced the word “milk” many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter still could not understand.
At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.
“You see”, said the traveler who had drawn the cow, “what pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country”.
After some time the waiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bullfight.
Задание 4 из 10
ПРОЧИТАЙТЕ ТЕКСТ. Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They didn’t know Spanish, however, and the waiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.
At first they pronounced the word “milk” many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter still could not understand.
At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.
“You see”, said the traveler who had drawn the cow, “what pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country”.
After some time the waiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bullfight. ПРАВИЛЬНЫМ ВАРИАНТОМ ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ
The Americans had difficulties with …Правильно
Задание 5 из 10
Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They didn’t know Spanish, however, and the waiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.
At first they pronounced the word “milk” many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter still could not understand.
At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.
“You see”, said the traveler who had drawn the cow, “what pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country”.
After some time the waiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bullfight.
Задание 6 из 10
Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They didn’t know Spanish, however, and the waiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.
At first they pronounced the word “milk” many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter still could not understand.
At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.
“You see”, said the traveler who had drawn the cow, “what pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country”.
After some time the waiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bullfight.
The American drew a … on a piece of paper.Правильно
Задание 7 из 10
Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They didn’t know Spanish, however, and the waiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.
At first they pronounced the word “milk” many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter still could not understand.
At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.
“You see”, said the traveler who had drawn the cow, “what pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country”.
After some time the waiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bullfight.
ПРАВИЛЬНЫМ ВАРИАНТОМ ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ The Americans had lunch in a little restaurant in Spain.Правильно
Задание 8 из 10
Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They didn’t know Spanish, however, and the waiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.
At first they pronounced the word “milk” many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter still could not understand.
At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.
“You see”, said the traveler who had drawn the cow, “what pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country”.
After some time the waiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bullfight.
Two Americans didn’t know German.Правильно
Задание 9 из 10
Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They didn’t know Spanish, however, and the waiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.
At first they pronounced the word “milk” many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter still could not understand.
At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.
“You see”, said the traveler who had drawn the cow, “what pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country”.
After some time the waiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bullfight.
The waiter understood that two Americans wanted some milk and sandwiches.Правильно
Задание 10 из 10
Two Americans were travelling in Spain. One morning they entered a little restaurant for lunch. They didn’t know Spanish, however, and the waiter did not know English. So they tried to make him understand that they wanted some milk and sandwiches.
At first they pronounced the word “milk” many times. Then they spelled it. But the waiter still could not understand.
At last one of them took a piece of paper and began to draw a cow. He was just finishing his drawing, when the waiter looked at it and ran out of the restaurant.
“You see”, said the traveler who had drawn the cow, “what pencil can do for a man who has difficulties in a foreign country”.
After some time the waiter was back, but he brought no milk. He put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bullfight.
The waiter put down on the table in front of the two men two tickets for a bullfight.Правильно