Выберите фотографию и опишите человека на ней. У вас есть полторы минуты на подготовку и не более двух минут для ответа. У вас должен получиться связный рассказ (7−8 предложений).
План ответа поможет вам:
— the place
— the action
— the person’s appearance
— whether you like the picture or not
— why
Start with: “I’d like to describe picture № … . The picture shows …”
I’d like to describe picture № 3. The picture shows us a girl. The photo was (probably) taken inside. In this picture, the action is taking place in the room. I think that we can see a toddler. Looking at this picture I get the impression that she is playing with a jigsaw puzzle. She is looking at the parts of the puzzle. The girl is wearing casual clothes. She looks like she is about 3 years old. I guess she is quiet and clever because she seems to be passionate about the game. I like the picture because the atmosphere is peaceful. It makes me think of my childhood.
Ваша оценка (баллов): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
падающем списке.
Вы услышите разговор в магазине подарков. Для каждого предложения выберите из выпадающего списка концовку, соответствующую содержанию разговора. К каждому предложению подходит только одна концовка. Аудиотекст прозвучит 2 раза. При повторном прослушивании проверьте себя. У Вас есть 45 секунд, чтобы ознакомиться с предложениями.
Воспользуйтесь плеером, чтобы прослушать запись.
А. The lady would like some _________.
1. breakfast 2. lunch 3. dinner
B. The lady`s name is_________.
1. Mrs. Johnson 2. Mrs. James 3. Mrs. Jones
C. The lady would like some _________.
1. apple juice 2. grapefruit juice 3. orange juice
D. The lady wants to have _________.
1. a pot of black coffee 2. a pot of black tea 3. a pot of green tea
E. The lady will eat _________.
1.four scrambled eggs with four sausages 2. two scrambled eggs with four sausages 3. three scrambled eggs with three sausages
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Why do cats purr? Humans tend to think that purring is a sign of happiness in a cat, but there are other reasons why our pets produce these particular sounds. Purring is a habit that develops very early in a cat’s life. The most usual time for purring is in company. It can be a sign of social pleasure. Moreover, it can mean that the cat is asking to be fed or stroked. Strengely, vets also report that cats will purr when they are in great pain or even before death. It is not good to show weakness as this could encourage larger animals to eat you. The purr may just mean: «Everything’s fine, I’m on top of the world. Nothing to see here, go away please».