22.01.2022г. Английский язык, VinogradovaT.М.)11«Б»,English Writing — Paraphrasing. Essay.

Paraphrasing is expressing what you have read or heard in your own words. Its a skill you need in academic and professional life.

Read the text, translate. 

What I Would Like To Invent?

There are lots of things that the mankind would like to invent such as a cure for AIDS, artificial intelligence, humanlike robots, weather control system, artificial organs, treatment for aging, spaceships that would be able to reach the stars and so on.

I personally would like to invent teleport that would allow you to travel between cities and countries on our planet. Yes, I love traveling and I dream of visiting all the countries in the world. Once it took us more than 24 hours to get to Bali for my parents and I and my parents are very fond of traveling and visited more than 50 countries! I was very tired and sleepy so I kept thinking about a teleport. I think my parents and many other people who ever took such long flights with several stops would love to just appear in their destination.Of course I understand that this kind of an invention is just a fantasy and unlikely to happen but it doesn’t hurt to dream of it maybe in the future it will come true.

If you talk serious about our dreams then we could create a plane that would have several great improvements compared to modern planes. For example, it could fly two-three times faster, use sun energy which makes tickets cheaper and it would be also very safe so in case of a crash nothing happens to it. I’m sure I’ll see this kind of plane in my lifetime and who knows I might be the one who invents it.