15.01.2022г. Английский язык ,Reading.(Vinogradova T.М.) 8 «А», «Б», «В», «Г», «Д»

Hello, dear students ! Do the task in written form.


Read the text and answer the questions. How much pocket money do teenagers get every week? Too much is what many older people think, but is this true? Do they get too much money? Or don’t they get enough? These were some of the questions that a recent survey wanted to answer. In the survey, they asked the question, ‘How much money do your parents give you every week?’ The answers were surprising. It seems that allowances rise with age, with 13-year-olds getting an average of 20 a month, 16-year-olds getting 20 more than that, and 18-year-olds getting 80, a further 40 more than 16-year-olds. This means that the average British teenager now gets 520 a year in pocket money. Pocket money levels in Britain are now 50% higher than they were 20 years ago. However, in the survey a lot of teenagers said that it wasn’t fair to call the money they get ‘pocket money’. They said that most teenagers earn their money by doing jobs about the house. A lot of teenagers tidy rooms or wash dishes. Moreover, over 60% of the surveyed teenagers, including a third of those under 16, also had some sort of paid employment. The under-16s do gardening, wash cars, deliver newspapers and walk dogs, while those over 16 do babysitting, or work in shops or restaurants. So, finally, where does all the money go? Well, teenagers spend more money on beauty products than on anything else. They also spend money socializing, and save money to buy things like MP3 players, mobile phones and laptops.

a What do a large number of older people think about the amount of pocket money teenagers get?

b How much pocket money do 16-year-olds get, on average?

c In what way is it unfair to call the money teenagers get ‘pocket money’?


d What sort of jobs do teenagers under 16 do?

e What do teenagers spend most money on?