Hello, my dear students!
To -do- list for today!
Aim :
-to review and practise expressions of quantity: some, any, much, many, a lot of.
-to review the grammar in unit 3, working with a text about Oliver Twist and Charles Dickens.
— to listen to six adverts for various products. To introduce and practise nouns related to money.
In this English lesson, you will learn how to use quantifiers in the English language.
You will learn about quantifiers such as ‘many’, ‘much’, ‘few’, ‘a few’, ‘little’ and ‘a little’. We will end the lesson with a gap-filling exercise so you can actively practise everything you have learnt.
This video contains the most common quantifiers ,which are sometimes called determiners, used in American English. An important thing to remember about using them properly is being able to determine uncountable nouns from countable nouns.
Наречия TOO и ENOUGH в английском языке.
Listen and repeat:
Nouns related to money :Do ex-es 1, 3,7 p 37 (Student’s book)
Watch the video:
Listen and read: ex.3 p 39(Student’s book)
Do ex-es 1, 2 ,3 p 39 (Student’s book)
Home task: ex 6 ,7 p 44 (Student’s book) write and send to me Happy8Woman@mail.ru
Dear students, send to me only answers (not sentences)!
Use Grammar p.43 (Student’s book)
Deadline(срок): до 12.12.2020 включительно.