06.05.2022. Английский язык, 5 «Г, Д, Ж», «Путешествие Гулливера»-текст и НЛЕ

Hello, my dear students!
Мы с вами недавно читали текст о «Приключениях Гулливера»

Вам даны вопросы и на них необходимо ответить по тексту.
1. Did Gulliver’s ship have an accident?
2. Was Gulliver a doctor?
3. Was Gulliver on a beach when he woke up?
4. Were there hundreds of soldiers?
5. Was he hungry?
6. Did the soldiers understand him?
7. What did Gulliver’s boat hit?
8. Where did he swim?
9. Where was Gulliver when he woke up the next morning?
10. What did Gulliver try to do?
11. What did the soldiers shoot at Gulliver?
12. Where did they take Gulliver that night?

А теперь вспомните слова из текста, которые необходимо было выучить. И вот вам значения этих слов, ваша задача определить что же это за предмет или понятие:
1. one of a number of raised lines of water on the surface of the sea.
2. a thin straight stick with a point at one end and feathers at the other, which is shot in fighting from a long piece of bent wood.
3. a large piece of stone
4. a member of an army
5. a strong four-wheeled road vehicle, mainly for heavy loads, drawn by horses
6. a rough weather condition with wind, rain
7. a piece of wood held in a curve by a tight string and used for shooting arrows
8. a large four-legged animal with hard feet which people ride on and use for pulling heavy things
9. а large boat for carrying people or goods on the sea

На уроке обсудим историю Гулливера, и напишем небольшой диктант по словам из текста!
Желаю вам Удачи!
Good luck! See you on the next lesson!