Hello,my dear students.
Here you can find activities to practise your reading skills. Reading will help you to improve your understanding of the language and build your vocabulary.
First:Leaving On A Jet Plane. Listening.
The best way to learn English is to listen to it often and practice speaking it as often as possible. Here you can find activities to practise your listening skills. Listening will help you to improve your understanding of the language and your pronunciation. Practise and improve your listening skills with these listenings and exercises:
Two friends talking on a plane from New York to Los Angeles.
Answer either true or false for each question.
1. Graham has been asleep for the last three hours.
2. Barbara couldn’t see the Rocky Mountains because of cloud.
3. Barbara ate chicken and rice for dinner and a pear for dessert.
4. Graham is hungry because he didn’t have breakfast.
5. Graham slept after the plane passed Chicago.
6. Barbara watched a Brad Pitt movie.
7. They will meet Barbara’s father at the hotel in Los Angeles.
This video will help you improve your English speaking skills and your English listening skills.
Read the text, then match the questions and answers. Put one letter into each space.
Martin’s Vacation.
Martin had a terrible day yesterday. It was the day of his vacation to Spain but it was a nightmare. He left the house at 10 o’clock in the morning and caught a taxi to the airport.
Martin went to the check-in with his luggage. When the man who worked for the airline asked for his passport, Martin became very upset. Where was his passport? Martin realized he didn’t have his passport with him. What a disaster!
He jumped back into the taxi and told the driver to take him home. The driver drove quickly and Martin arrived back at his house in twenty minutes.
He ran into the house and went into his bedroom. He found his passport on the bedside table and left the house again. But the taxi wasn’t there! Where was the taxi!
Martin jumped up and down angrily. «I don’t believe it. The taxi left!» he shouted. He ran down the street and looked for another taxi.
After a few minutes, Martin found another taxi and told the driver to take him to the airport as quickly as possible. The traffic on the roads was very bad and, unfortunately, Martin’s taxi arrived at the airport late. His plane left for Spain at 11.30 and Martin missed it. He was very sad and went to speak to the airline. They promised to get him a seat on an evening flight and Martin went home on another taxi to wait.
A. The traffic was bad.
B. At the check-in desk.
C. In his bedroom.
D. 10 o’clock.
E. He was too late for his flight.
F. The taxi wasn’t there.
G. Spain.
H. Another taxi.
I. By taxi.
J. Twenty minutes.
1. Where was Martin going on vacation?
2. What time did he leave the house?
3. How did he get to the airport?
4. When did he realize that he didn’t have his passport?
5. How long did it take to go back to his house in the taxi?
6. Where was the passport?
7. What did Martin discover when he went back outside?
8. How did Martin get to the airport the second time?
9. Why did he arrive late at the airport?
10. Why did Martin go home?
Письменные ответы пришли пожалуйста на почту Happy8Woman@mail.ru
Всем ,кто желает повторить тему :«Введение и закрепление в речи сравнительной и превосходной степеней прилагательных» и углубить свои знания предлагаю ознакомится и закрепить материал.
Важно!Следующие задания носят рекомендательный характер,кому нужны дополнительные оценки и срок исполнения до конца недели.
Задача урока помочь разобраться и узнать, каким образом образуются степени сравнения прилагательных в английском языке. Мы используем сравнительную степень прилагательного, когда хотим сравнить что-то с чем-то или кого-то с кем-то. И превосходную, когда хотим выделить какой-то объект или человека из всех остальных. Также изучи правила правописания прилагательных в сравнительной и превосходной степени. Кроме того, ознакомься с некоторыми исключениями в образовании степеней сравнения прилагательных английского языка.Так же будут упражнения для отработки и закрепления своих навыков английского языка.
Правила правописания прилагательных в сравнительной и превосходной степени:
Ссылка на видеоурок:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxuxOX4EdCA
Теория .Ссылка на видеоурок:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrUQ5PKdCNE
Задания, которые помогут закрепить теорию на практике:https://ok-tests.ru/unit-88-red/
Домашнее задание : Exercise 1 .Put the adjectives in brackets in the right form.
Ted is (tall)… than Steve. My dad is (old)… than my mum. They are the (happy)… family in our town. Mary’s English is (bad)… than her German. Nick is the (good)… football player in our class. The (hot)… day last year was 12 July.
Exercise 2 .Compare the equipment. Put the adjectives in brackets in the right form.
“A camping stove is (cheap) than a tent. Lets have it.” “We can’t have a camping stove and a tent. We have only six thousand roubles.
The tent is (expensive) equipment, but it is also (important) equipment.”
“A kettle is (expensive) equipment, but we don’t need it.”
“A mattress is (cheap) than a camping stove, but it’s (useful) equipment. We have our sleeping bags!
” “A mattress isn’t (useful) equipment, but it’s important for me.
It’s (comfortable) to sleep on a mattress than on the ground.”
“We can have a kettle – it’s (cheap and light) thing.”
Exercise 3.Compare.Model: Germany is big. China is bigger. Canada is the biggest.
1.The Volga/the Irtysh/ the Thames (long)
2.Village/city/town (big)
3.Train/plane/car (fast)
4.Japan/Belgium/Spain (small)
Все упражнения перепишите в тетрадь и пришлите на почту:Happy8Woman@mail.ru
Good luck!